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© 2025 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2025 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

Index of Topics

organizational structure, budgeting and resource governance, corporate culture, transformation planning, and IT strategic value

Account Representative function (see Business Relationship Managers)



Acquisitions and mergers

Activity-based budgeting (see Budgeting)


Use case: organizational agility
agility is not an engineering method!

Executive summary: how to induce high-performance cross-boundary teamwork
You can't specialize if you can't team! Here's how to build highly effective, dynamic processes of cross-boundary teamwork (workflows).

Executive summary: demand management
best practices in resource governance (priority setting, demand management, project intake), and the benefits of getting it right

Use case: governance
you have two alternatives: human oversight, or systemic checks and balances

Use case: the proper roles of committees
committees need clear charters, and there are a limited number of appropriate types of committees

Use case: innovation
don't just lead an innovative project or two; drive innovation into every corner of your organization

Use case: digital business
what is it, and what's the role of a Chief Digital Officer?

Use case: infinite scalability
how to design an organization that can scale without limits, from venture to multi-national


Architecture, IT, place in structure


Assessment of Organizational Excellence


Benefits measurement

Best practices

Bi-modal structure

Bookkeeping made simple (video) (for executives who want a primer on accounts, debits/credits, and common accounting transactions, 23 min)

Books by Dean Meyer

Boone, Mary

Book on methods of opportunity identification and benefits measurement....

Mary E Boone: business relationship managers (BRM, aka internal sales) training and coaching

Strategic Opportunity Discovery Method
practical training in the method of diagnosing clients strategic business needs for IT

Business Relationship Managers and Engineers Boundary Workshop
a participative two-day workshop which develops a clear mutual understanding of the boundaries between internal sales (BRM) and IT developers

Business Relationship Managers Skills and Strategies Workshop
a workshop for internal sales (BRM) to develop a plan to build necessary skills and methods

Boundaries, business relationship managers and engineers (developers)

Business Relationship Managers and Engineers Boundary Workshop
a participative two-day workshop which develops a clear mutual understanding of the boundaries between internal sales (BRM) and IT developers

See also Organizational structure

Budget-by-Deliverables (now called FullCost)


Executive summary of investment-based budgeting....

Case Study: A Budget Aligned with Expectations
a straightforward solution to budgets out of synch with business needs, "do more with less," expectations exceeding resources, lack of perceived value of your function, and more (from an IT department)

Steps in the investment-based budget planning process....

Software and method for investment-based budgeting and rates (service costing)....

Book on internal market economics (including investment-based budgeting)....

Free library on investment-based budgeting....

Speeches on internal market economics (including investment-based budgeting)....

Executive summary: investment-based budgeting
forecasting the costs of planned projects and services, not just what you plan to spend.

Analysis: why integrate business and budget planning
the one-year plan for business, resources, investments, budgets and rates

Story: Operational Planning (Oct 2004)
why operational planning, budgeting, and rate setting must be a single, integrated process (illustrative anecdote)

Analysis: why integrate business and budget planning
the one-year plan for business, resources, investments, budgets and rates

Story: No More Games! (illustrative anecdote)

Story: On the Defensive (Oct 2002)
direct costs are only a portion of the real costs of projects (illustrative anecdote)

Story: The Annual Set-up (Jan 2003)
also available in a government version
how a traditional budget process sets organizations up to fail, with client expectations that exceed resources (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Client-driven Portfolio Management (Out On a Limb Alone) (Mar 2004)
you're expected to defend the budget that's really there to benefit your clients, and blamed when you don't get enough (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Troubles With Teamwork (May 2004)
how traditional budget processes undermine cross-boundary teamwork (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Start the Year Out Wrong (Jan 2005)
budgeting is a form of portfolio management (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Attempting Portfolio Management (Mar 2005)
why a shift in the budget process is prerequisite to dynamic portfolio management (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Begging for Infrastructure (November 2005)
if clients pay for infrastructure as part of they're projects, they'll think they own it (illustrative anecdote)

See also Demand management

See also Cost cutting, downsizing

See also Internal economy

Build, group in structure

Building Blocks of organizational structure

Business-process aligned structure

Business Relationship Managers (BRM)

Business planning...

Business-within-a-business paradigm

Catalog, products and services

Centers of excellence

Centralization, consolidations (see Decentralization)

Chandler, Alfred

Change management, transformation (see Organizational strategy and transformation)

Chaos theory and its implications for organizational design

Chargebacks, Rates

Chief Compliance Officer

Chief Digital Officer (CDO)

Chief Technology Officer (CTO)

Coach, executive


Use case: the proper roles of committees
a straightforward policy can avoid burying yourself under committee bureaucracy

Role analysis: committees versus project teams
never form a committee to deliver a project

See also Demand management

See also Governance

Compliance, regulatory

Conference hosts

Consolidations, centralization (see Decentralization)

Consulting services

Contracts, internal (SLA)

Cost accounting

Cost analysis

Cost cutting, downsizing

Essay: strategic cost cutting

Monograph on downsizing without destroying....

Case Study: A Budget Aligned with Expectations
a straightforward solution to budgets out of synch with business needs, "do more with less," expectations exceeding resources, lack of perceived value of your function, and more (from an IT department)

Essay: Do More With Less -- NOT!

Video: Do More With Less -- NOT!
a quick analysis of the absurd command to magically become more efficient due to a budget cut (7 min)

Executive summary: strategic cost cutting

Executive summary of internal market economics....

Library on cost cutting....

Book on internal market economics....

Free library on investment-based budgeting....

Speeches on internal market economics....

Case studies on financial and resource-governance processes....

Story: Take It Out of Hide (Sep 2002)
budgets have to be cut, but clients go on expecting all the same deliverables (illustrative anecdote)

Story: The Ax is Falling (May 2003)
budget cuts without negotiating reduced expectations set you up to fail across the board (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Another Cut (May 2005)
what staff need to do to arm the boss with data to defend the organization during budget cuts (illustrative anecdote)

Story: You Cost Too Much (January 2006)
internal IT can appear too expensive if you're comparing apples to oranges (illustrative anecdote)

See also Cost analysis

See also Demand management

See also Internal economy

Cost recovery (see Allocations)


Customer / client / partner

Customer-aligned structure

Customer focus

Daft, Richard L.


Shared-services versus decentralization
overview of the trade-offs, and how to consolidate shared services

Consolidation Process: shared services and acquisition integration

Provocative essay: is central IT needed?
rebuttal to periodic attacks on the value of a professional IT function

Executive summary: detailed benchmarks of a successful integration process
be clear on what you expect, and have every right to demand

Book on decentralization, its problems, and solutions....

Provocative essay: dotted lines
how to coordinate a decentralized function without ineffective dotted lines

Workshop on decentralization, and planning a path forward....

Speech on decentralization, its problems, and solutions....

See also Shared services

Demand management

Executive summary: demand management
best practices in resource governance (priority setting, demand management, project intake), and the benefits of getting it right

Executive summary of internal market economics....

Executive summary: investment-based budgeting
forecasting the costs of planned projects and services, not just what you plan to spend.

Case Study: A Budget Aligned with Expectations
a straightforward solution to budgets out of synch with business needs, "do more with less," expectations exceeding resources, lack of perceived value of your function, and more (from an IT department)

Software and method for investment-based budgeting (demand management in budgeting)....

FAQ: Why demand management is more than setting priorities for major projects....

Story: Oh, One More Thing (March 2002)
unfunded mandates Ä the business absolutely needs more, but you haven't got the resources to deliver (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Take It Out of Hide (Sep 2002)
budgets have to be cut, but clients go on expecting all the same deliverables (illustrative anecdote)

Story: The Annual Set-up (Jan 2003)
also available in a government version
how a traditional budget process sets organizations up to fail, with client expectations that exceed resources (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Managing Expectations (Sep 2003)
more on how a traditional budget process leads clients to expect more than can be delivered (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Client-driven Portfolio Management (Out On a Limb Alone) (Mar 2004)
you're expected to defend the budget that's really there to benefit your clients, and blamed when you don't get enough (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Managing Expectations (Sep 2003)
more on how a traditional budget process leads clients to expect more than can be delivered (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Operational Planning (Oct 2004)
why operational planning, budgeting, and rate setting must be a single, integrated process (illustrative anecdote)

See also Governance

See also Internal economy

Development of staff

Digital business

Do more with less (see Cost cutting, downsizing)

Dotted lines

Downsizing (see Cost cutting, downsizing)

elysee pens

Employees, attracting, motivating, and retaining


Engelbart, Doug (Windows version of his Augment software)

Entrepreneurship (intrepreneurship)

ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning software implementation projects)

Ethics (see Culture)

Excellence, organizational, assessment tool

Executive coach

Expectations of clients, managing

Case Study: A Budget Aligned with Expectations
a straightforward solution to budgets out of synch with business needs, "do more with less," expectations exceeding resources, lack of perceived value of your function, and more (from an IT department)

Executive summary of internal market economics....

Library on demand management....

Book on internal market economics....

Free library on investment-based budgeting....

Speeches on internal market economics....

Expectations of organizations, vision

Financial processes (see Internal economy)

Founder bottleneck

Full-cost Maturity Model (see Internal economy)

FullCost business planning and budgeting software and process

Gerney, Lee (Yolo County, CA: Case Study, Investment-based Budgeting)


Healy, Barbara


How Organizations Should Work

HyPerform (software)

Images, Dean Meyer and NDMA

Infrastructure, funding for

Case Study: A Budget Aligned with Expectations
a straightforward solution to budgets out of synch with business needs, "do more with less," expectations exceeding resources, lack of perceived value of your function, and more (from an IT department)

Story: Begging for Infrastructure (November 2005)
if clients pay for infrastructure as part of they're projects, they'll think they own it (illustrative anecdote)

See also Budgeting

Infrastructure, as a group in structure


don't just lead an innovative project or two; drive innovation into every corner of your organization

Essay: funding innovation
how to keep up with the pace of change despite the pressures of daily business

Case Study: A Budget Aligned with Expectations
a straightforward solution to budgets out of synch with business needs, "do more with less," expectations exceeding resources, lack of perceived value of your function, and more (from an IT department)

Story: Eating Your Seed Corn (June 2002)
unrealistic client expectations force you to sacrifice essential training and infrastructure development (illustrative anecdote)

See also Budgeting (funding for innovation)

See also Entrepreneurship

See also Culture

Integrity (inspiring trust)

Story: Oh, One More Thing (March 2002)
unfunded mandates Ä the business absolutely needs more, but you haven't got the resources to deliver (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Take It Out of Hide (Sep 2002)
budgets have to be cut, but clients go on expecting all the same deliverables (illustrative anecdote)

Story: The Annual Set-up (Jan 2003)
also available in a government version
how a traditional budget process sets organizations up to fail, with client expectations that exceed resources (illustrative anecdote)

Story: The Ax is Falling (May 2003)
budget cuts without negotiating reduced expectations set you up to fail across the board (illustrative anecdote)

See also Contracts, internal

See also Culture

Internal economy

Investment-based budgeting (see Budgeting)

IT (Information Technologies)

ITIL (IT Infrastructure Library)

Job entry strategy

Job satisfaction (see Employees, attracting, motivating, and retaining)

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

Language, terminology of leadership and transformation


Lean method (see Process improvement)

Lengel, Robert H.

Lines of business within organizations

Managing expectations (see Demand management)

Market economics (see Internal economy)


Mergers and acquisitions integration


Meyer, Dean

Micro-management (see Empowerment)


Motivation, employee (see Employee quality of work life)

Multi-product, multi-geography companies: maximum synergies

Needs assessment (see Opportunity identification)

New job strategy

New versus Old products, split in structure

Objectives and Key Results (OKRs)

Operating Level Agreement (OLA) (see Contracts, internal)

Operating model, organizational

Operations, group in structure

Opportunity discovery (IT)

Organizational strategy and transformation

Organizational structure

Frequently asked questions....

Executive summary of the science of structure....

Book on organizational structure....

Free library on organizational structure....

Reference library on organizational structure....

Two-day leadership workshop on the lines of business within your organization....

Charting your organizational operating model....

Organizational restructuring process and consulting....

Speeches on organizational structure....

Org Charts Designed to Fail: A FEW WORDS IN A BOX

Case Study: A CEO Who Has Applied the Principles of Structure
by Sergio Paiz, CEO, PDC

Case Study: From Venture to Growth Company
by Jessica Rovello, CEO, Arkadium

Case Study: Transformational Organizational Structure
how restructuring IT led to breakthrough performance and value at North Georgia College & State University

Case Study: Building a High-performance IS Team at Sonoco Products Company
building a high-performance IS team
by Bernie Campbell, VP, Information Systems, Sonoco Products Company

Case Study: Restructuring a Large IT Organization
theory, model, process, and initial results
by Mark Luker and Tad Pinkerton, University of Wisconsin Madison

Provocative essay: Strategy should not drive structure
designing your organization around today's strategies guarantees failure at tomorrow's

Provocative essay: The Evils of "Roles and Responsibilities": staff need clear job descriptions; but traditional "roles and responsibilities" can confuse accountability and seriously hamper performance

Provocative essay: Where IT Reports: is it really that important to report to the CEO, not the CFO?

Provocative essay: Chief Technology Officer: a fad title that may be better left behind

Outline editor software



Percy, Deborah

Performance management

Pictures, Dean Meyer and NDMA

Planning, group

Planning, operational (see Budgeting which should be integrated with operational planning)


Politics, internal

Pool of resources, group in structure

Portfolio management

FAQ: Why portfolio management if more than setting priorities for major projects....

Story: Client-driven Portfolio Management (Out On a Limb Alone) (Mar 2004)
you're expected to defend the budget that's really there to benefit your clients, and blamed when you don't get enough (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Start the Year Out Wrong (Jan 2005)
budgeting is a form of portfolio management (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Attempting Portfolio Management (Mar 2005)
why a shift in the budget process is prerequisite to dynamic portfolio management (illustrative anecdote)

See also Demand management

See also Internal economy

Press resources

Priority setting (see Demand management)

Process-aligned structure

Process improvement

Process owners

Products and services catalog (see Catalog, products and services)

Product-based structure

Project management


Role analysis: Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Information Security Officer (article)
some simple guidelines make the difference between a Chief Compliance Officer and a Chief Scapegoat

Examples of actionable behavioral principles....

See also Culture

Quick response, group in structure

RACI (see Roles and responsibilities)

Rates (see Chargebacks)

Regulatory compliance (see Compliance, regulatory )

Relationship managers (see Business Relationship Managers)

Requirements planning (see Opportunity identification)

Resource governance (see Internal economy)



Role analysis: Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Information Security Officer (article)
some simple guidelines make the difference between a Chief Compliance Officer and a Chief Scapegoat

Examples of actionable behavioral principles....

See also Culture

Roles and responsibilities

Root cause diagnosis

Safety, group in structure

Sales and Marketing, internal (see Business Relationship Managers)


Service catalog (see Catalog, products and services)

Service costing (service-based costing) (see Cost analysis)

Service-level agreements (see Contracts, internal)

Service-oriented organization (see Customer focus)

Shared-services organizations

Silo organization

Single point of contact (see Business Relationship Managers)

Six Sigma


Speeches, seminars


Strategic alignment

Strategy, business

Should NOT drive structure....

Video: For Corporate Planners: Four Types of Strategy, and an Expanded View of Your Role
an interview with Dean Meyer on the organizational challenges that impede strategy execution, and the concept of organizational strategy (25 min)

Strategy, ERP (see Project management)

Strategy, IT strategies should not be driven by business strategies

Strategy, organizational (see Organizational strategy and transformation)

Structure (see Organizational structure)

Systems thinking

Executive summary: Five organizational systems
the components of an organizational operating model

Reference: The Challenge of Chaos
classic article by Daft and Lengel that contrasts a systems approach such as the Market Organization with reductionist thinking like hierarchical command-and-control and engineered processes


Transformation (see Organizational strategy and transformation)

Unfunded mandates

Story: Oh, One More Thing (March 2002)
unfunded mandates Ä the business absolutely needs more, but you haven't got the resources to deliver (illustrative anecdote)

Story: Take It Out of Hide (Sep 2002)
budgets have to be cut, but clients go on expecting all the same deliverables (illustrative anecdote)

See also Cost cutting, downsizing

See also Budgeting

See also Demand management

See also Internal economy


Value of IT

Provocative essay: Staircase of Strategic Value
"strategic value" is an overused term at risk of losing all meaning -- what's truly strategic?

Provocative essay: Perception of Value
do clients understand the value of what they get for their money?

Analysis: Chief Digital Officer
what is a CDO, and where does it fit in an organization?

Story: The Necessary Evil (May 2002)
too busy keeping things running to focus on strategic challenges (illustrative anecdote)

Story: You Cost Too Much (January 2006)
internal IT can appear too expensive if you're comparing apples to oranges (illustrative anecdote)

Book of case studies, with methods of opportunity identification and benefits measurement....

Speech on the strategic value of IT....

See also Business Relationship Managers

See also Budgeting (what value will be delivered for a given budget)

See also Internal economy

Values (see Culture)



How Organizations Should Work

Video: How Organizations Should Work
45-minute keynote

Video: How Organizations Should Work
10-minute overview, no slides

Video: How Organizations Should Work
10-minute overview, no slides, Spanish subtitles

Video: How Organizations Should Work (47 minute)
interview by Suzie Lewis, Transform for Value, for those who study organizational design

Organizational Structure

Video: The Science of Organizational Structure (IT version)
30-minute presentation covers the basic design principles and lines of business in organizations

Internal Market Economics

Video: Overview of Internal Market Economics
a brief video that explains the concept of internal market economics (10 min)

Video Case Study: The C-level View of Budgeting: Facts and Politics
from the C-suite perspective, how investment-based budgeting not only changed the financials; it changed the relationships between IT and the entire corporation's executive leadership team (30 min)

Video: Overview of FullCost
a brief, factual video that explains the FullCost software and method, where it fits, and how it compares to competitors (12 min)

Lecture: Webinar on internal market economics
the problems created by traditional financial processes, the vision of internal market economics, the benefits, and how to implement it.
Soundview Live, August 6, 2013 (60 min)

Video Case Study: Service Costing and Investment-based Budgeting
State of Montana IT shares its reasons, implementation experiences, and results (30 min)

Video Case Study: How to Run IT as a Business
Georgia State University CIO describes the impacts on client relationships and internal entrepreneurship (17 min)

Video Case Study: How to Run IT as a Business (abridged)
Georgia State University CIO describes the impacts on client relationships and internal entrepreneurship (5 min)

Video: Interview on Internal Market Economics
an interview with Dean Meyer, author of Internal Market Economics, which explores the very real financial decision-making and demand-management problems caused by traditional budgeting and resource-governance processes, and explains how principles of market economics can be applied inside organizations to solve these common problems,
from SmartPros' Financial Management Network, July 13, 2013 (22 min)

Other: Role of Corporate Planners, Intro to Bookkeeping

Video: For Corporate Planners: Four Types of Strategy, and an Expanded View of Your Role
an interview with Dean Meyer on the organizational challenges that impede strategy execution, and the concept of organizational strategy (25 min)

Video: Bookkeeping Made Simple
for executives who want a primer on accounts, debits/credits, and common accounting transactions (23 min)

Video: Bookkeeping Made Simple


Workflow (see Teamwork)

World-class organization (see Vision)

Yolo County, CA, Case Study: A Budget Aligned with Expectations
a straightforward solution to budgets out of synch with business needs, "do more with less," expectations exceeding resources, lack of perceived value of your function, and more (from an IT department)

Young, Roger

Zero-based budgeting (see Budgeting)


Free library


Speech abstracts

NDMA coaching/consulting services
