Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2025 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
NDMA Fees and Terms
NDMA is open and transparent about its rates, and adheres to a strict ethic: We never charge two clients different amounts for the same service. Dean Meyer's consulting fees:
Expenses: Most clients are billed a location-specific fixed fee per trip and per day for all travel and incidentals.
However, if Consultant is exempted from any client travel policies, then we offer the option of billing direct expenses at actual cost, without markup.
Cancellations: Since consulting dates are a "perishable commodity," any confirmed dates which are cancelled or rescheduled are subject to the following cancellation fees:
Cancellation fees apply to all professional fees that would otherwise have been charged for the cancelled/rescheduled days. In addition, any expenses incurred which could not be recovered will be charged (e.g., airline change fees). Terms of payment: Invoices are issued after completion of the last visit within a calendar month. Payment terms are net 30 days from the issuance of each invoice, or 3 days when using a credit card. The late-payment penalty on all past-due balances will be billed at 1.5% per month from the date of issuance of the invoice.