Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2025 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
NDMA Services: Business Relationship Managers (BRM) Strategy Workshop
two-day workshop to clearly define the role of an internal sales/marketing function, its specific products and services, and its strategy for developing the function
Many internal service providers (IT, HR, etc.) now understand the importance of a function that is client-facing, sometimes called Business Relationship Managers -- essentially, the Sales and Marketing function for a business within a business. The purpose of internal Sales and Marketing is to provide a default point of contact for internal clients, improve relationships, identify strategic opportunities, and improve alignment. In many cases, however, the people fulfilling this critical function do not have role models or a clear understanding of the scope of their mission, their specific services, and the value they contribute to the rest of the organization. Furthermore, they may not understand the skills and methods they need to acquire, or the appropriate priorities in deploying their service offerings. As a result, they may not add as much value as they should. This leads both clients and their peers to question the need for the function. In a two-day workshop, Business Relationship Managers clearly understand and document their services, and develop their strategies to get the function going and quickly add value.