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Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

Free Library: Governance and Oversight, Committees, Compliance

case studies, videos and articles (white papers) challenging conventional wisdom and suggesting an empowered approach

How Organizations Should Work

Executive summary: demand management
best practices in resource governance (priority setting, demand management, project intake), and the benefits of getting it right

Use case: governance
you have two alternatives: human oversight, or systemic checks and balances

Use case: the proper roles of committees
a straightforward policy can avoid burying yourself under committee bureaucracy

Use Case: The Proper Roles of Committees

Role analysis: committees versus project teams
never form a committee to deliver a project

Role Analysis: Committees versus Project Teams

Provocative essay: SOx and micro-management
how regulations are used as an excuse for costly disempowerment

Provocative Essay: SOx and Micro-Management

Role analysis: Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Information Security Officer
some simple guidelines make the difference between a Chief Compliance Officer and a Chief Scapegoat

Role analysis: policy czar
good governance or oppressive government?


Free library


Speech abstracts

NDMA coaching/consulting services
