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Free Library: Organizational Structure

case studies, videos and articles (white papers) on organization charts and cross-boundary workflows

Book: Principle-based Organizational Structure

Executive summary: Organizational structure
quick overview of the science of organizational structure: definition, principles, 'building blocks' of organization charts, cross-boundary teamwork, change-management

Executive Summary: Organizational Structure

Video: The Science of Organizational Structure (IT version)
30-minute presentation covers the basic design principles and lines of business in organizations

Video: The Science of Organizational Structure (IT version)

Analysis: Why great people alone aren't enough
why great people in a bad organizational structure will fail

Analysis: Why Great People Alone Aren't Enough

Analysis: Why great processes alone aren't enough
well engineered processes and best practices won't work in a badly designed organizational structure

Analysis: Why Great Processes Alone Aren't Enough

Analysis: Common symptoms of organizational structure problems
this list of common symptoms whose root cause is organizational structure can help you decide if restructuring would be beneficial

Analysis: Common Symptoms of Organizational Structure Problems

Executive Summary: The seven Principles of structure
these seven Principles guide the design of organization charts, forming the foundation of the engineering science of organizational structure

Executive Summary: The Seven Principles of Structure

Executive Summary: The five "Building Blocks" of structure
the lines of business that exist within every organization

Executive Summary: The Five "Building Blocks" of Structure

Executive Summary: The "Rainbow Analysis"
these four questions can diagnose the problems in an organization chart

Executive Summary: The "Rainbow Analysis"

Executive summary: How to induce high-performance cross-boundary teamwork
You can't specialize if you can't team! Here's how to build highly effective, dynamic processes of cross-boundary teamwork (workflows).

Executive Summary: How to Induce High-performance Cross-boundary Teamwork

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Organizational structure

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs): Organizational Structure

Synopsis: the science of organizational structure
how to design entrepreneurial, customer focused, team-oriented organization charts
(the basic concepts in just two pages)

Case study: A CEO who has applied the principles of structure
by Sergio Paiz, CEO, PDC

Case study: from venture to growth company
by Jessica Rovello, CEO, Arkadium

Case study: Restructuring a large IT organization
theory, model, process, and initial results
by Mark Luker and Tad Pinkerton, University of Wisconsin Madison, Educause, Summer, 1995

Case study: Transformational organizational structure
how restructuring IT led to breakthrough performance and value
by Dr. Bryson Payne, CIO, North Georgia College & State University

Case study: Building a high-performance IS team at Sonoco Products Company
by Bernie Campbell, VP, Information Systems, Sonoco Products Company

Building a High-performance IS Team at Sonoco Products Company

Use case: Digital business
what is it, and what's the role of a Chief Digital Officer?

Use Case: Digital Business

Role analysis: Chief Technology Officer
a confusing title that means different things to different companies

Role Analysis: Chief Technology Officer

Role analysis: Business Relationship Managers
relationship managers are an essential element of a healthy IT function; but all too often, they fail to achieve their potential and create a new set of problems

Role Analysis: Business Relationship Managers

Role analysis: Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Information Security Officer
some simple guidelines make the difference between a Chief Compliance Officer and a Chief Scapegoat

Role Analysis: Chief Compliance Officer, Chief Information Security Officer

Role analysis: Policy czar
good governance or oppressive government?

Role Analysis: Policy Czar

Role analysis: Project Management Office (PMO)
how to implement a PMO that helps everyone succeed

Role Analysis: Project Management Office

Analyses: Organization charts designed to fail
a series of analyses of common organization charts that will fail, by design -- is your org chart on the list?

Analyses: Organization Charts Designed to Fail

Provocative essay: Strategy should not drive structure
designing your organization around today's strategies guarantees failure at tomorrow's

Provocative Essay: Strategy Should <I>NOT</I> Drive Structure

Provocative essay: The evils of "roles and responsibilities"
staff need clear job descriptions; but traditional "roles and responsibilities" can confuse accountabilities and seriously hamper performance

Provocative Essay: The Evils of "Roles and Responsibilities"

Provocative essay: Team-building and high-performance teamwork
teambuilding is rarely the answer to problems with teamwork

Provocative Essay: Team-building and High-performance Teamwork

Provocative essay: Project teamwork
it doesn't take a project management guru to manage complex projects

Provocative essay: Where IT Reports
Is it really that important to report to the CEO, not the CFO?

Provocative Essay: Where IT Reports

Article: Structuring Corporate Training as a Business Within a Business
Training Industry, June 5, 2017.


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