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© 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

NDMA Services: Private Sounding-board and Coach

sounding board and expert input on organizational and political issues

Dean Meyer

"Sometimes you need someone other than your team and your boss to talk with, because sometimes you need to talk about them."

An executive coach is someone with whom you can discuss sensitive issues, openly and confidentially. Like successful atheletes, many top executives use coaches to step above the fray, look at challenges in new ways, and think through their options.

Many C-level executives use coaches -- not because they're weak, but because they recognize the value of an independent sounding-board.

Benefits of an Executive Coach

Here are some of the benefits that executives who use coaches get:

  • Perspective: a time set aside on a regular basis to step out of the weeds and see the forest.

  • Objectivity: a sounding-board who understands the issues at your level, and as an outsider, who has objectivity and no vested interests.

  • Truth: someone who will be completely honest and tell you when you're wrong, or force you to listen to alternative views.

    "If endlessly plugging the leaks springing up all over your business has left you exhausted, uninspired, and doubting yourself or business, you owe it to yourself and those depending on you to read this book. Meyer's principles gave my company the vision, roadmap, and tools to shatter our growth ceiling, making our business more fun, easy, and profitable than ever before."
    Derek Weber, President, goBRANDgo!

  • Frameworks and insights: useful ideas, frameworks, and processes based on a long and focused career, and on past experiences with your peers.

  • Motivation: personal deadlines to accomplish leadership objectives before the next scheduled coaching session.

A client explains the value of coaching....

"As a CIO, I've really come to appreciate the value of a confidential executive coach.

"I know I should be thinking "out of the box," but sometimes I feel stuck in a rut. And there are times when I admit that I can't see the forest for the trees.

"There are other times when I've got a vision and need help thinking through the details of how to translate it into reality. And of course, there are many times when I've decided a path forward, but I just want to be sure I see all the potholes ahead."

"An hour on the phone with Dean
made a profound impact on my thinking."
Joe Morgan, CEO of siY and serial entrepreneur

Read on....

Who can I talk to for perspective, advice, or just a "sanity check"?

I spend a lot of time with my boss, but sometimes I want an independent sounding board to think through what I'm going to say to him as well as others.

I spend a lot of time with my staff; but they're also likely to be the subject of discussion, and there's lots I need to think through in confidence.

I enjoy talking to peers in other companies; but their time is as limited as mine, so I can't count on their help when I need it.

This is where Dean comes in. He actively listens to me, and quickly distills my situation down to its basic components. Then, he helps me plan my strategies and think through my communications.

I have always found Dean's advice sound -- grounded in practical business logic and entrepreneurial common sense.

Plus, no one understands the complexities of organizations better than Dean. His overall "systems" perspective ensures that my actions won't solve one problem while creating several others.

We all can benefit from an independent sounding board and from the experience of others. It gives us that bit of extra confidence. I'd recommend that other C-level executives give Dean a call. He's a great coach!

-- Gary Rietz, CIO

Unique Focus of Dean's Coaching

"Dean's ability to understand the complexities and synergies within an organization are uncanny."
Bob Bender
CIO, St. Mary's Hospital and Duluth Clinic

Coaches come in different flavors, focusing on your career, interpersonal and supervisory skills (one aspect of leadership), business strategies, technologies, or personal work habits.

Dean's focus is unique:

Dean Meyer coaches executives on organizational, political, and leadership issues.

Dean works with transformational leaders (Type 4 in the chart) who build organizations that achieve significantly higher levels of performance in every aspect of their work.

Four Types of Leaders
  1. Cost cutters: shrink and save
  2. Maintainers: keep what we have evolving
  3. Project managers: oversee one or two major initiatives, such as a big strategic project
  4. Transformers: build an effective organization where all staff succeed in all their myriad missions

His perspective and advice are grounded in the business-within-a-business paradigm. This helps you tune all your strategies, actions, policies, and language based on a consistent vision of the end-point: provider of choice to your customers, and employer of choice to your staff.

Examples of questions and issues that Dean's coaching has addressed....

  • Your strategy for entering a new job

  • What your legacy is to be, and what you need to do to achieve it

  • Your position and strategy in politically sensitive situations

  • Your organizational structure -- overall design, or specific functions like the role of the PMO or account representatives -- and how to implement a change

  • The role of various committees, and how to cut the bureaucracy

  • Decentralization, dotted lines, and the politics of consolidation

  • Resource governance processes, managing expectations, chargebacks, and how to empower clients while protecting your interests

    "No one understands the complexities of organizations
    better than Dean."
    Gary Rietz
    CIO, Ubiquity Brands

  • Your ERP, ITIL, or Lean/Six Sigma implementation strategy (the politics, not the technology)

  • How to implement a service catalog and service-level agreements in a constructive, not bureaucratic, manner

  • Your internal culture, and how to encourage customer focus and entrepreneurship

  • Why relationships with internal clients are strained, and what to do about it

  • Responding to pressures for outsourcing

  • The wording of an email or policy that is to be highly visible or politically delicate

Track Record

Executives who have benefitted from Dean's coaching are from diverse corporations, governments, and not-for-profit institutions.

"Over the last 12 years while I've held the most senior IT management roles in three organizations, I've very much appreciated Dean's counsel. Dean's extensive knowledge, clear thinking, and his ability to examine issues beyond the superficial level set him apart."
Cecil Wright
CIO, Flint Energy Services

"Dean, your coaching has taught me
a different approach to management, honed my skills,
and helped me to better articulate our role and
value to my organization. Simply stated,
I became a better leader after I found you."
Yomi Famurewa
CIO, Modine, Inc.

"I have been working with Dean for about a year, and
I have found him to be one of the most insightful
business people I have had the pleasure to know."
Gary Rosenberg
CIO, Eisner LLC

"Dean, you have had a profound impact
on my view of the world, and I consider you
a friend and a brilliant advisor."
Michael Moore
CIO, San Diego County

"I've always found Dean to be very objective
and, most importantly, a critical thinker;
and he has a tremendous grasp of organizational issues."
Harold W. Sallee
Administrator to the General Superintendent and
transformation program manager, Assemblies of God

"First as a CIO and now as I sit on several Boards of Directors, Dean has helped me dissect and reflect in a calm setting. His coaching was invaluable, and definitely contributed to the goals which we achieved."
James Walker
former CIO, WMC Mortgage

"After 16 years with the organization, I was appointed to my first C-level job. Meyer provided the guidance I needed to rise above the day-to-day tasks, and build an organization that delivers on its vision. He showed me how to be an effective executive, a real organizational leader."
Lee Gerney, CIO, Yolo County CA

"Dad raised me to be a problem solver. Until I read Meyer's work, I'd jump in and solve problems as they arose, believing that if I wanted it done right, I'd have to do it myself. I took everything on myself; and despite long hours, there wasn't enough of me to go around.

Now, I solve organizational problems, and empower our great people to solve all those business problems. These principles of organizational design changed my life!"
Dave Shepherd, CEO, New Millennium

How Coaching Relationships Work

Dean listens to you, and helps you hone in on your specific concerns.

You'll also explore together your political environment, the personalities around you, and other influences and constraints.

Then, Dean works with you to plan practical solutions.

"The cost of getting Dean's input is
far less than the cost of fixing uninformed mistakes."
Dave Shepherd, start-up entrepreneur

Coaching is delivered as needed via telephone meetings, email, and periodic private "off-campus" days together.

Next Step

Try a complimentary hour on the phone to see if you and Dean have rapport....


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