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© 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

Speech Abstract: Overview of the Science of Organizational Structure

executive summary of the science of structure, cross-boundary teamwork, and implementing change

Book: Principle-based Organizational Structure

Speech Abstract

"Look at any organization chart, and you can know who's fighting with whom, who's not making their objectives, and who has ulcers!"

Organizational structure is one of the most powerful influencers of performance. It drives productivity, quality, risk, speed, innovation, cost, customer focus, entrepreneurship, accountability for results, motivation, and job satisfaction. Building a healthy organization should be every leader's top priority.

Contrary to popular beliefs, structure is not a matter of fads, opinions, and optimizing the careers of a few at the top. It's hard science, with solid principles and frameworks. You can use the science of organizational structure to understand where your current organization chart is getting in people's way, or to design a highly effective organization.

Structure also includes a dynamic mechanism for cross-boundary teamwork that assembles just the right people on every project at just the right time in crisply articulated but flexible processes.

This session distills over three decades of research and practical experience on the science of structure. It identifies the basic building blocks of an entrepreneurial organization chart -- the lines of business present in any organization -- and provides clear principles for assembling them into an effective organization chart.

Once you understand the lines of business that exist within organizations and the principles of organizational structure, you will see where the problems are in your current organization chart, and you'll have the tools to design an entrepreneurial, high-performing structure.

This session gives leaders a practical overview of the science of structure, shows you how to assess the effectiveness of your current organization chart, and overviews a participative implementation process that engages a leadership team, captures hearts and mindes, and results in a healthy structure tailored to your needs. And it leaves you with a practical next step that engages your leadership team in thinking objectively about your own organization chart.

1000-character version....

Speech Abstract: Overview of the Science of Organizational Structure

100-word version....

Speech Abstract: Overview of the Science of Organizational Structure

50-word version....

Speech Abstract: Overview of the Science of Organizational Structure


  • Why structure is important

  • Structure is a science

  • The 7 principles

  • The 5 building blocks -- the lines of business within your organization

  • The "Rainbow Analysis" -- how to diagnose your own organization chart

  • You can't specialize if you can't team -- dynamic cross-boundary teamwork

  • How to implement a new structure (and operating model) -- a participative process


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