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Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

Speech Abstract: Chief Digital Officer

what is "digital business," and what's the role of a Chief Digital Officer?

Speech Abstract

"Digital business" holds unlimited potential. But its definition is poorly understood, and the role of a Chief Digital Officer is often controversial.

Furthermore, not everyone understands that the goal is not one or two projects, but rather a continual stream of technology-enabled business strategies.

This presentation defines the concept of digital business in precise language.

It then introduces a framework of the components of an organizational operating model, and within that, a framework of the functions within an IT organization chart. Using those two frameworks, it defines precisely what functions and processes need to be in place to deliver on the promise of digital business.

Finally, it places the Chief Digital Officer in those frameworks, clearly defining the role.


  • The staircase of strategic value: what is "digital business"

  • Five fundamental organizational systems

  • The organization chart: five relevant functions in IT

  • What it takes to deliver digital business, again and again: the key organizational components

  • The proper role of a Chief Digital Officer


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