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© 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

NDMA Products and Services: Draft Cost Model

we port your existing data into a FullCost model

We'll quickly set up a cost model for you, using the leading cost-modeling tool. All you have to do is supply us with your existing data.

In the spirit of Agile development, this is useful in itself — it gives you new views of your data (including transparent rates) through powerful reporting, and identifies specific places where additional data will significantly improve the model — plus, it gives you a foundation that you can enhance and fine-tune over time.

No license is required. However, this is intended for one-time use. To use the tool in subsequent years, you'll need the FullCost license.


  • The quickest approach, with the least investment of your leaders' time.

  • Delivers a cost model that can help answer immediate questions such as strategic cost cutting -- reducing deliverables (demand) in conjunction with budget cuts.

  • While the strength of the model is a function of your current data (e.g., your catalog, demand forecasts, cost forecasts), current limitations and opportunities for improving your data will be described in a report that comes with the cost model.

  • Software license is optional; without the license, the model will be delivered in the software in "demo mode" with full access to your data and all the FullCost reports, but without the ability to modify it.

  • Although this results in a one-time cost model, the effort is reusable if you evolve into using FullCost as an annual planning process.


Consulting days: data collection: 4 onsite, modeling and reporting: 10 NDMA, presentation: 2 onsite

Approximate cost: $72,000 - $100,000 (plus optional license and materials)

Elapsed time: 1 month

Level of effort on your end: Project Team spends 4 days providing existing data. Leadership Team and Project Team meets for up to 2 days to view results, assess next steps.


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