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Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

Reference Library: Principle-based Organizational Structure


  1. Detailed definitions of each line of business within organizations (the Building Blocks). Also:

    • Definition of the boundary between Sales and Engineering (business requirements).

    • Sample domains for each

    • Typical catalog of products and services within each

    • Interpreting the lines of business within various industries/functions

    • IT lines of business

  2. Detailed guidance on the implementation process (which you can customize to your needs), including:

    "The [Reference Library] is amazingly comprehensive. I was able to find in it answers to just about every question I had throughout our reorganization process."
    Harold Wu
    Director, Systems Branch, Ontario Ministry of Government Services

    • The process strategy

    • Participants and roles

    • Ground-rules and HR issues

    • Every step of the process -- leadership-team workshop and participants' tasks between workshops -- framing the decisions that you and your leadership team will make, and providing guidelines to help you make the right choices; includes:

      • How to write clear domain statements.

      • How to develop product/service catalogs.

      • Walk-throughs (the teamwork meta-process).

      • Guidelines on internal contracting (commitments).

      • Sample Announcement Day agenda.

      • Detailed migration milestones.

      • Advice to leaders on getting their new lines of business started, and to the top executive on his/her role in the process.

    • All the administrative details

    • Communication plans at each step

    • Change management considerations (even how people will be feeling at each stage of the process)

    • How to use the process for principle-based shared-services consolidations and merger/acquisition integrations.

  3. Leadership selection guidelines, including:

    • Required competencies by line of business.

    • Leadership traits (across all lines of business).


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