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© 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

Speech Abstract: What (Internal) Business are YOU In?

understanding your job as a business within a business

Book: Principle-based Organizational Structure

Speech Abstract

Are you just there to manage resources, processes, projects? Yawn! There's another way to look at your job, one that's more empowering, fun, effective, and developmental. You run a business within a business, funded to produce your products and services for customers within your department, throughout the enterprise, and perhaps external customers. And you do everything it takes as an empowered internal entrepreneur -- you support past "sales," deliver results today, and invent the future of your business.

In this interactive session with renowned organizational design expert, Dean Meyer, you'll learn a framework of all the lines of business that exist in organizations. You'll identify the lines of business under you, and see how you relate to your peers in your department who run different internal businesses. And you'll learn a practical technique for forming high-performing teams across the entire organization.


  • Organizational structure is a science

  • Principles of structure: empowerment, specialization with teamwork, business within a business

  • Framework of all the internal lines of business within any organization

  • Breakout: Your line(s) of business

  • High-performance, cross-boundary teamwork: how to do business with your peers


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