Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2025 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Speech Abstract: How to Change Your Culture Quickly
build a customer-focused, accountable, entrepreneurial culture in less than a year
Speech AbstractA well-designed organizational culture can build a spirit of customer focus; it can empower people as entrepreneurs; it can support teamwork; it can operationalize ethics and integrity; it can improve meeting effectiveness and decision making; and it can encourage innovative leadership. While most executives recognize the power of culture, common wisdom says that it takes many years to change it. This isn't true! Dramatic cultural change can be accomplished in months, not years! The key is a behavioral approach focusing on what people should actually do, rather than on how they should feel or what they should value. Beyond anecdotes and vague values, the behavioral approach provides a tangible "culture of evidence" that clearly documents a new way of doing business. You can teach, model, and measure it. This session illustrates the importance of culture; defines its scope; explains the secrets of rapid cultural change; and describes a participative process that has proven successful at changing culture quickly and permanently.