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© 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

NDMA Products and Services: Culture

defining and implementing your organizational culture quickly with a behavioral (not values) approach

Book: Fast Track to Changing Corporate Culture

Reference Library: Culture in Action
comprehensive reference library on the behavioral approach to culture change, include best-practice culture principles and every step in the change process

Reference Library: Culture in Action

Implementation: Culture in Action
Expert facilitation of every step in a proven, participative corporate culture change process that results in significant change in less than one year.

NDMA Products and Services: Culture in Action

"Don't try to tell me what to think.
I'll take your orders about work,
but not what to think!"
Montgomery Clift to John Wayne
in Red River, 1948


Free library


Speech abstracts

NDMA coaching/consulting services
