Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2025 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Speech Abstract: It's Not About Chargebacks
how to gain the benefits of market-based governance without chargebacks
Speech AbstractCIOs increasingly are taking the position that chargebacks are an administrative nightmare, a risk, and of little value. In many cases, they're right. Chargebacks require a big investment to set up, are expensive to deliver, risk sudden decentralization and downsizings, and in many cases fail to deliver the intended benefits. But real problems remain — mistrust due to lack of cost transparency, the impossible "do more with less" demand, client expectations far in excess of available resources, a lack of understanding of value delivered, accusations that you cost too much or that allocations are too big, and the need for strategic alignment — challenges which chargebacks are supposed to address. In fact, you don't need to charge back to solve these problems. Market-based governance can work even when the organization receives a direct budget or high-level allocations. This session untangles the terminology and concepts, and explains how to get most of the benefits without actually shifting your budget to clients and then charging them for services. It shows how to deliver cost transparency, and how to make clients responsible for deciding what they buy from a shared-services organization within the limits of available resources. It explains the role of service catalogs and product/service costing, the concept of investment-based budgeting, how to make executive steering committees useful — all within the broader context of market economics.
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