Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2025 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Train then Coach While Doing: FullCost Tool and Method
train your project team in detail, then coach them through setting up your first FullCost model
Once you've licensed FullCost, the ultimate cost-modeling tool, we train your staff in both the tool and the method. Then, we'll coach your team through each step in the process of setting up your cost model and your budget, porting your existing data into this powerful platform and identifying opportunities for improving the model in the process. This training-while-doing is by far the most effective way to prepare your staff to update your budget, rates, and cost model each year. Involving the "guru" also ensures that your cost model is accurate and robust.
CostElapsed time: 8-9 months Consulting days: 16 Approximate cost: $80,000 - $104,000 (plus license, materials, travel) Level of effort: Project teams typically spend full time throughout the process. Leaders can expect to invest time after the model is set up -- to understand it, to correct it, and to add to it. Detailed project plan, workshop agendas, tasks....