Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2025 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Pocket Book: Meyer's Rules of Order
sample meeting principles
Chapter 2. Before the Meeting
When we are invited to a meeting:
- We respond quickly, accepting or declining the invitation.
- We consider our transit time before agreeing to a start and end time.
- If we decline, we may offer the host the option of inviting a substitute who carries our proxy (one who can speak for us, and we honor any commitments he or she makes); or we may grant those who do attend our proxy.
- We treat acceptance as a commitment, and we attend the entire meeting (unless we absolutely cannot, in which case we inform the host as soon as we know and offer a proxy or alternate times).
Chapter 4. During the Meeting
We respect other's contributions:
- We stay engaged and listen attentively.
- We avoid side conversations. When we feel that there are too many side conversations, we call attention to the problem.
- We minimize external interruptions (eg, we turn cell phones off, set pagers to silent).
Chapter 5. Making Decisions
We make decisions by consensus or unanimity when everybody's commitment is needed.
Figure 1: Consensus Decision Process
- Clearly define the question and alternatives.
- Take a trial vote to see if discussion is worthwhile.
- If choosing from among alternatives, ask who favors each.
- If seeking consensus on the final choice, ask who can teach and support it versus who needs more discussion.
- Ask minority if they feel strongly enough to discuss the issues further. (If not, the decision is made.)
- Listen respectfully to all of the proponents of each alternative, one alternative at a time. Add new thoughts, but do not "echo" others' thoughts.
- Take another trial vote to see if there is consensus.
- If a consensus is still lacking, repeat the process from step 1, perhaps recasting the question or generating new alternative; and, this time, write down the arguments for each alternative.
Alternatively, if at an impasse, agree to one of the following:
- Go with whichever side cannot live with the alternative. (For each alternative, ask who cannot teach and support it.)
- Reschedule the discussion (perhaps seeking more input).
- Change the decision method -- eg, use majority instead of consensus, or defer to one individual (eg, the boss) for a decision -- unless doing so undermines needed commitment.