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Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

Free Library: Business Planning, Innovation

case studies, videos and articles (white papers) on business strategy (as distinct from organizational strategy

How Organizations Should Work

Story: Operational Planning (Oct 2004)
Why operational planning, budgeting, and rate setting must be a single, integrated process.

Analysis: why integrate business and budget planning
the one-year plan for business, resources, investments, budgets and rates

Provocative essay: IT strategy
why IT strategy should not be driven by business strategy

Provocative Essay: IT Strategy

Analysis: why aren't we more strategic?
removing the obstacles to enterprise strategy execution and shared-services strategic alignment

Analysis: Why Aren't We More Strategic?

Use case: innovation
don't just lead an innovative project or two; drive innovation into every corner of your organization

Use Case: Innovation

Provocative essay: innovation
how to keep up with the pace of change despite the pressures of daily business

Executive summary: why organizational strategy comes before business strategy
build the "machine" capable of generating and delivering myriad business strategies


Free library


Speech abstracts

NDMA coaching/consulting services
