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© 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.
Excerpt from www.NDMA.COM, © 2024 N. Dean Meyer and Associates Inc.

Executive Summary: The Benefits of Being An Employer of Choice

why it's worth investing in an organization people want to work for

by N. Dean Meyer

There are many advantages to pursuing employer-of-choice strategies. Employers of choice clearly differentiate themselves from their competitors in the talent, customer, investor, and supplier markets. These advantages result in greater profits, security, and success.

Consider the link between employee engagement and satisfaction and the bottom line....

Reduced Recruiting Costs

As a company becomes known as a great place to work, recruiting gets easier. Even when candidates are scarce, good people approach an employer of choice voluntarily to inquire about employment opportunities. In many cases, a waiting-list of job applicants develops.

This saves the company considerable expense in recruiting.

Better Talent = Better Performance

Recruiting advantages also attract higher-caliber candidates. The objective shifts from just finding qualified staff to choosing the best of the best.

This is a self-reinforcing cycle: Research has confirmed that highly talented employees want to work with similar talent -- people they respect. The presence of top-flight staff attracts similar applicants to the organization.

Better talent delivers a higher level of performance more quickly, consistently, efficiently, reliably, and creatively.

Lower Turnover Saves Money

People feel good about working for an organization that treats them well, so they stay. The place is familiar; the work is familiar; and the co-workers are familiar. There's less stress and more fun. Their needs are met. They have growth opportunities. Why leave, even for a bit more money?

Lower turnover reduces recruiting and training costs.

Institutional Knowledge = Productivity and Quality

When people enjoy their jobs, absenteeism drops. Furthermore, people are more engaged. Their attention is more focused, and they put more thought and effort into their work. As a result, they are more productive and do a better job.

Beyond that, when people remain with an organization for a longer period of time, they accumulate more experience. With their accumulated experience and knowledge, staff are more productive (driving costs down) and produce higher quality.

Improved Customer Relations

Employers of choice are more attractive to customers as well. Seasoned, high-caliber employees respond more consistently to customers' needs. And happy people are more pleasant to do business with.

Furthermore, in a relationship-based environment, customers like to know the people they're dealing with -- not just their account representatives, but all those who support them day after day. Experienced employees know and understand their customers, so they're able to take better care of them. And they build relationships, which customers value.

A stable and dedicated workforce builds stronger bonds and gives the customers a greater sense of comfort, confidence, and value. Thus, employers of choice retain customers as well as staff

Improved Investor Relations

Employers of choice are more attractive to investors because they are recognized for their stable workforce and their ability to respond more quickly to market opportunities and challenges.


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